For In-vitro K, I've spearheaded the creation of captivating templates aimed at promoting their plant nursery across various social media platforms. These templates have played a pivotal role in fostering a cohesive and professional image, ensuring that their posts not only grab attention but also resonate effortlessly with their audience.
In addition to static templates, I've also delved into the realm of animated GIFs, infusing them with the distinctive essence of In-vitro K's branding. These dynamic elements add an extra layer of engagement to their social media stories, further enhancing their digital presence.
Furthermore, I've meticulously crafted icons to complement both their digital and print communications. Characterized by clean lines and harmonious brand colors, these icons serve as visual cues that reinforce In-vitro K's brand identity across all channels.
Taking their plant labeling to new heights, I've designed informative labels that seamlessly blend captivating photography with intuitive iconography. This dynamic approach not only enhances readability but also imbues each label with a sense of vibrancy and personality, effectively conveying essential information to readers in an engaging manner.

GIF for Social Media

Branded Iconography

Plant Labels

Plant Pot Label

Photo Edition and Brand Assets Design for Social Media Presence

Video Edition for Social Media

Social Media Template
Social Media Template
Social Media Template
Social Media Template
Social Media Template
Social Media Template
Social Media Template
Social Media Template
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